Wow, this blog is really rusty!
Isn't it kind of wasted that we have this blog but it's not in much use?
especially the J2 girls!
See the smiles and silly faces in the photo?
Right, it doesnt matter if we won or lose the game
What matters most is that we know that we've tried!
Come on girls, let's not allow those killer trainings come to a naught!
If we can survive those gruelling trainings under the hot sun,
we can do ANYTHING!
Yep, or else we would have gotten those ugly sock-lines and fbt-lines for nothing,
So come on, let's not give up and do our very best for the next 2 games!
This time round, we cant blame the weather anymore for any mistakes that we make,
so let's just show off our prowess to the rest of the hockey world!
especially the J2 guys!

Ok, haha. So I admit, this picture is outdated, but SORRY LA, i dont have an updated version.
Look, if any of you guys are seeing this right now,
what on earth exactly are you still doing up online?
It's the BigGame tomorrow, and you should be resting right now!
It's RJC, but so what?
They just have more neuron connections in their brains, that's all. (or whatever it is that make them SEEM smarter. I dont take bio. heh.)
They have 1 hockey stick; 1 pair of legs; and 2 shin guards, just like every single one of you on the team.
So if you think that they can beat you guys for sure, WIPE THAT THOUGHT OUT OF YOUR MIND!
Cos if they can beat you guys, YOU GUYS CAN BEAT THEM TOO!
Just show them how the handsome dudes from IJC can win them nerds of RJC.
Times flies, and we're already in our 2nd year at IJC!
This is probably going to be the last school competition for most of us.
So all the more we should grab hold of this opportunity and take advantage of it!
Many of us have undergone changes, both physically and mentally.
We have grown, from a team of noobies (for a lack of a better word), to a team that achieves victory.
Yes, it is true that we have disagreements among ourselves, we quarrel and we fight.
But we have conquered it all.
We have bonded over so many stuff - killer camps, crazy inductions, BBQs and mad camwhore sessions.
In the end, it is the team that bonds that succeeds.
We have bonded, we are a team.
We WILL be the teams that succeed (:
Lynette #08 (:
wooooah. well said lah, lynette!